
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2008

Maintaining Good Health While Traveling

Imagine planning a trip weeks or maybe months in advance and when the time comes that one gets to actually travel, for some reason, one gets sick along the way and instead of enjoying the trip seeing the sites, one has nothing to do but just rest in the hotel room instead of having fun. Surely, that is something no one wants to experience and here are a few tips one can keep in mind to avoid it. The best medicine before going on any trip is being in the best possible shape. By doing some biking, aerobics or long walks, one is able to condition the muscles for those long tours. Doing some research about the place one is visiting and reading up on the destination, the culture and the places one wants to visit, makes planning the itinerary less stressful. By obtaining information on the weather or climate so as to pack the right clothes for the trip and the condition of the drinking water are just some examples one can also work on. By purchasing water purification tablets before going t

How to Enjoy the Best Places under the Sun

There are people who are fond of traveling. They like to go to places where they can recharge their souls, unwind, release the tension from work, and simply enjoy what life has to offer. And there are people who are more of the adventurous type who would rather enjoy the day exploring the forest canopy in Costa Rica or discover the beauty of the wilderness of Siberia. However, whatever adventure travel most people would like to experience, it is always best to observe safety measures and precautions so as to avoid risk or perils of traveling to unknown lands. Here’s a list of tips for adventure travelers, whether they want adventures that are more inclined to wilderness or just the typical family adventure most people would love to experience: 1. It is best that people should know what the type of travel adventure they are getting into. Adventure travel may provide the kind of adrenalin rush most adventurers long to experience every time they get out of their territory. It is the feeli

Things You Can't Do Without When Traveling

When you goes on a trip either for business or for pleasure, you want it to be a memorable and enjoyable experience. To help travelers enjoy the trip, here are a few tips you must always keep in mind, travel “must haves” that one must never leave home without. 1.Itinerary Prepare and plan on paper the places one will visit and then make the make the necessary arrangements in advance to make the trip a memorable one. 2.Essentials. Personal things such as the ticket, passport, toothbrush, clean underwear and money nearby preferably for easy accessibility. 3.Clothes By checking the weather forecast for the trip, one will be able to bring the right clothes for the trip. Preferably clothes that can be used for various occasions. And those that do not run and can be easily washed. 4.Shoes Given that traveling will require a lot of walking seeing the various places, one should wear a good pair of comfortable shoes that wont strain the feet. 5.Medication One should always bring insect repell

Survive While Traveling

How to Survive While Traveling In one way or another, aside from the business purpose that some travelers pursue, traveling is known to be one outlet for the adventurous aspect of a lot of people. Sure, traveling can be one heck of a fun activity. However, one is never sure on what untoward incident that can be encountered while enjoying the sights and scenes during the trip. To avoid getting caught off guard while traveling, here are a few tips to ensure survival while traveling: 1. Know your water. Ever heard of the traveler's diarrhea? This condition is caused by contaminated water that a foreigner has drunk. Aside from that diarrhea, a list of diseases abound due to contaminated water. To prevent getting any of those water-borne diseases, make sure you boil your drinking water for at least 10 minutes. 2. Milk will do. Remember that thing they say regarding milk as the complete food? It still is true. As long as you boil it for at least 10 minutes too, like water, it will serve

Cheap Reservations without the Hassle

- Plan your vacations on off seasons, Hotel rates, even airline and car rental rates are lower during this time due to lower demand. You can get as much as a 50% discount if you book a room during off season, so try and call the hotel if they have off season discounts and ask them when the discounts will be effective. - Some hotels give discounts to certain people like students, military contingents, Senior citizens, honeymooners etc. Ask for these discounts and what their details, you can save a lot with these. - Ask if your kids can stay for free, if you’re with your family, sometimes hotels can allow up to two kids for a two bed room provided that the kids are within the age limit. - If you’re not very particular with hotel locations, you can access name-your-price websites for car rentals and hotel reservations. They’ll do the haggling for you and you’re sure not to over-budget. - Some hotels and even car rental companies, give “free days” if you use their services for more than a

Tricks That Can Make Traveling By Sea Easier

Motion sickness is common to almost everybody. It is usually frequent to those who travel a lot, whether by land, air, or sea. The different forms of motion sickness are based on the kind of transportation that they employ. One of the most common kinds of motion sickness is the seasickness. It is usually characterized by a sensation of nausea and vertigo. People who experience seasickness are those who are not conditioned to travel by sea or who cannot stand the swaying motion of the boat brought about by the waves. Though, there are others who experience seasickness as soon as they step aboard, even if the ship is not yet moving or is in the dry dock condition. Basically, the results and effects of seasickness is not very alarming, except for those who have important matters to attend to while aboard a ship. This means that people who have duties in the ship will have the tendency of not performing their duties well if ever they get to experience seasickness. Causes of Seasickness Gen

How To Get Cheap Travel Tickets

With planning, foresight and a little bit of hard work, you can go ahead and have that dream vacation the economical way. Here's how: *Search the internet, call airline agencies and watch the news to keep yourself up to date on discounts. There are a lot of promotional fares offered by airline companies that are new in the industry. *When you do travel a lot, sign up for frequent flier miles. *Ask about student fares or senior citizen discounts. *Keep a flexible travel schedule. Go with the flow. If the promo states that they only give discounts every Tuesdays, then set your departure on Tuesday. Generally, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays are the days that have fewer reservations, so it in on these days that tickets are sold cheap. Monday is usually the busiest day of the week. * Do not go ahead and make reservations to the first airline company you see with promotions. Take the time to source out a variety of options. Take the time to find out if the promotion is indee

Guide to Business Travel

Planning your business trip wisely will free you from lots of trouble. Inadequate airline seats, long lines, heavy traffic, and unavailable hotel rooms are just some of the problems a business traveler might encounter. Despite the emergence of e-commerce, businessmen still travel more often for sales and business shows. Here are some tips to make your business travel a successful one: 1. Plan your business trip long before you leave the office. 2. Always prepare a travel bag with complete necessities to be used on any emergency trips. 3. Bring some ready to eat foods, it will save you a substantial amount of money, considering the high cost of foods in hotels. 4. Be sure to have a buffer time between your flight and your scheduled meeting. 5. Choose aircraft that has better seats with ample leg room. 6. Put all your valuable materials in a small carry-on bag. 7. When calling your main office, use the 800 numbers as much as possible because it's much cheaper. 8. If you're a busi

Your Traveling Companion

A traveler may experience an uncomfortable feeling especially if he’s on a place with a different time zone than they have back home. Every traveler needs his own alarm clock. Whether you are on vacation, on a business trip or for any other reason that you are traveling, an alarm clock is a very handy companion to tag along. This way you could keep track of your own time without depending on anyone else. Alarm clocks should, of course, be portable. They should be able fit in your luggage without worrying that it will be broken. Another feature of your handy clock is that the numbers should be easily read and at the same time they should be easy to set. This way you would save yourself from fussing around trying to set the time for it to alarm. The purpose of the alarm clock is to wake you up on time. So choose one that wakes you up with familiar sounds like beeps or rings. This way you know that the sound comes from the clock and not somewhere else. They come in different styles and fe

Tips on Travel Policies

Getting travel insurance before traveling is a smart idea. All-inclusive travel policies cover trip cancellation and even medical and theft circumstances. Check out the following tips to land you on a better bargain. Some credit card companies have their own policies regarding travel insurances if you use the card to purchase the ticket. So better check on it first. There are airline and cruise line companies that offer travel insurance policies. However, they may go bankrupt and the insurance might lose its value. It’s better if you buy a policy from an insurance company. There are different policies attached to certain travel insurance. Some companies even offer different types of travel polices. Be sure to get a good grasp on the contents of the policy before actually buying it. Be sure that the medical coverage of the travel insurance is well stipulated in the policy. Be sure to understand them well so that you know what are included. If you are getting a policy for the entire fami

Best Travel Destination

Choosing Your Best Travel Destination If you are planning to take a vacation, be sure to know what you really like to do, this will make your trip more meaningful. Mostly, travelers go for a trip that their friends recommend, but is it what they really want? It's never too early to plan and know what your heart desires. It's nice to ask yourself these questions before starting to plan your vacation; do I want to relax? Do I want adventure or a learning experience? Do I want to get away from my job? Once you know the answers to these questions, then you are ready to plan your trip. Vacations are needed for our emotional, physical and mental balance. Vacations give a person a chance to relax, renew his energy, and free him from his daily routine. Vacations could be far away or close to home. Wherever the vacation may be, it does the same thing. It is the satisfaction that is more important than the destination. Generally, there are some different types of travel according to act

Bali Travel

Everyday there is a ceremony in Bali and particular days become special days for the Hindus in Bali. Just have a look on Saturday, 4 October 2008, for instance. According to the Balinese calendar, that day is called Tumpek Krulut. This festivity is solemnly appreciated as the creation day of mutual love and affection among human beings through gamelan instrument. Tumpek Krulut festivity, pursuant to the guidance in the Aji Gurnita lontar manuscript, is marked with the amalgamation of gamelan arts originating in all existing gong instruments. This ritual is inaugurated by the worship to the power of taksu (divine inspiration) existing in the Balinese gamelan prior to the nightfall. Celebration of Tumpek Krulut denotes a whole-hearted tribute to God in his manifestation as the Lord Shiva. How do the Hindus celebrate their Tumpek Krulut? Simply make a visit to villages of which inhabitants become artists of dance and music like around Ubud (Gianyar), Kerambitan (Tabanan) and other village

Asian Travel Tips

Asia occupies a quarter of the earth’s land mass, it spans a lot of time zones. Having a single travel guide for all of Asia is virtually impossible. Asia like any other continent, has its certain hot spots, here are basic travel tips for a few of the most happening countries in Asia. Vietnam The country’s recommended tourist spots are Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, which are both modernized. All tourists in Vietnam, except Thai and Philippine Nationals need a tourist Visa before entering the Country. Health wise, Malaria is prevalent in Vietnam, it would be best to bring with you anti-mosquito lotions to prevent being bit. You Can visit the Vietnam Travel Guide or Vietnam Travel Mall to learn more about vietnam Indonesia Aside from the usual prohibition of narcotics and deadly weapons, Radio cassette Players are banned in the Island of Bali, which is a prime tourist spot in Indonesia. Any object with Chinese characters written on it, are also prohibited in Bali. Thailand Thai people are